600g sifted plain flour
300g butter
300g sugar
Tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs beaten
Kg pack of ready roll icing (I got mine in Lidl)
Decorations (Again Lidl had some decent decorations, or the Pound shop)
Tbsp jam
In a bowl (or mixer if you have one) cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy (as shown above)
Add the beaten eggs and vanilla and mix
Add the flour gradually until a dough is formed divide into two balls, wrap in cling film and chill for an hour
Roll out the dough to around 3-4mm thick and cut two of each size cookie re-rolling and cutting with the leftover scraps
Place cookies onto greaseproof lined baking trays and place in a pre heated oven at 180 for 12 minutes or until firm then place on a wire rack to cool
Knead and roll out the icing until it's as thick as you like to top the cookies
Cut two lots of each size for the icing too
Brush each cookie with some jam to stick the fondant icing in place
Let the children assemble the stack starting from the largest to the smallest (cookie not child)

We had loads of fun decorating the tree but not as much fun as we all had eating it

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