Here are some sheep, don't be a sheep.... |
Have you noticed how easy people find it to rip into each other these days? It makes me sad to see so much negativity, especially on-line. Wouldn't it be great if we could all just get along? Ha ha, I laugh as I know how unrealistic this sounds, but wait, just what if? Yes, I have a dream (well it was good enough for Martin Luthor King...) that instead of tearing each other down, we could maybe build each other up? Help one another to become better people, instead of stamping on each other to get to where we want to be. Just maybe, my Brady bunch style world, would be a nice place to live. Of course we can all disagree on matters and have opinions, that's what makes us unique after all, but it doesn't mean we have to hate each other. Anyway, that's my biblical rambling over with (I really need a coffee) I challenge you to give out just three compliments randomly throughout your day. Give them to whoever you see fit, strangers, family, friends and see their faces light up. Best thing is, if you enjoy it, you can carry on giving them, they're free! Heck you could do it all day long if you wanted, the gift is yours to give. I'm not pretending I'm Mary Poppins, (who's practically perfect in every way!) I have indeed spent time, over a brew slating people. It leaves a bitter taste in your mouth and I'm not talking about the brew. I have also given out random compliments and do you know what? It felt good, really good. Not just for the person on the receiving end, but for you too. So, I'm making a plea to you all (is there anybody there?....) take part in my compliment challenge and notice how different it makes you feel.
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