Sunday, 14 August 2016

Pasta Cheat

During the hellish ordeal that is weekend shopping, I came up with my next dish. As I sat in Frankie and Benny's watching the rush of people enter, eat and leave the restaurant, I wondered how many of us actually wanted to be there. Who was there by choice, or because it's the weekend thing to do or actually felt they just had to be there. I don't mean just eating out, but shopping. I really hate it, pushing through crowds of people all racing around trying to complete their missions. Sitting in queues of traffic getting angrier and angrier waiting to get to our destination as quickly as we can so we can get home again. I still can't get my head around the fact that people do this for pleasure. Give me the woods or the beach and I'm in heaven. That's not to say I didn't enjoy myself, we had a lovely family day out and it's all about compromise and doing things that everybody enjoys. Watching my youngest two children's faces light up because they are getting treated to a dessert and a balloon, they really are that easily pleased, is a lovely thing even if it isn't my cup of tea. Considering I got my inspiration for this next dish while I was there it wasn't all bad. So here's my recipe for bacon and mushroom tagliatelle. Combat the 'carb coma' by serving with a large fresh salad instead of garlic bread like I did!
Bacon (I used Asda smartprice smoked back bacon for £1.20 312gm)
250g mushrooms (mine were 25p from the Spar bargain!)
Tin of cream of chicken/= or mushroom soup
2 tsp dried thyme 
2 tsp garlic powder
400g tagliatelle
Finely grated cheddar to sprinkle on top
Slice the mushrooms and bacon
On a high heat fry them for 15 minutes or until golden

Add the thyme
Cover the tagliatelle with boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes
Heat the soup
Drain the cooked pasta, add the soup, bacon and mushrooms and serve with a sprinkle of cheese on top. 

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