Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Meat free midweek meal

A simple but tasty and cheap tea we love in our house. Stuffed peppers with corn on the cob! Ok, granted, it's not a gourmet meal and doesn't look like a lot, but it's very filling and tasty too, You can add any filling you want, if there's some leftover chilli or bolognese stick that in instead of rice. So if you're looking for something new to try out fancy a change give it a go! I'll give you the recipe for 4 people.
4 large peppers                                             
2 packs of supermarkets own brand chicken/ veg flavour rice.                           
4 corn cobs
Grated cheese

Firstly cook your rice as stated on the packet (usually 425mls cold water and boil with rice until water has been absorbed).
Slice the top of the pepper off and put to one side.
Hollow out your pepper so it's like a bowl and if needed just slice a bit of the bottom so it stands up.
When rice is cooked fill your pepper bowls with rice and grated cheese (or optional fillings) and place pepper lid back on.
Cook in a preheated oven on 180 for 20-25 minutes.
Five minutes before they're cooked put the corn cobs into boiling water and they will be ready with the peppers.

Now, as this wasn't a great deal (filling as it is) we decided to have a crumble for dessert. We had some apples given so you can't get much cheaper and at this time of year there are plenty about! I had some frozen berries left which I bought from Lidl, but you could get out brambling with the kids. Tea tastes even better for free! 

6-8 med apples peeled and chopped into chunks (if using cooking apples add sugar when cooking)
Whatever other fruit you want to add
150g flour
75g butter cut into chunks
75g sugar (brown, white, whatever you want)
1-2 tsp mixed spice/ cinnamon (optional)

Add chopped fruit and mixed spice/cinnamon to a pan on medium heat and leave to stew for about 5-10 minutes until soft.
Meanwhile in a bowl pour in flour, sugar and chunks of butter and rub everything in until there are no big lumps of butter left.
When the fruits cooked pour into oven proof dish and top with crumble mix. 
Cook for 25-30 mins on 180
Serve with custard, cream or ice-cream.

Well that's it for now if anyone tries this I would love to know how you get on! 

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